welcome to my humble little work in progress

He/Him - 2X - Canada
this webpage was made at 1366x768 resolution and was
NOT made for mobile devices

i’ve never really been one for social media, even before
anxiety fueling my fear of posting I never really bought
into the appeal. Maybe I was just traumatized socially
growing up. i’m excited about the concept of neocities as
the self created page era was just before i joined the
web. i think this fits the sort of internet i can just barely
remember before it became a commodified hellscape.

anyways, enough with the sob stories. I do have
interests, I post about them here and will maybe one
day crawl out of my hole.

i’m happy you’re here! there is a guestbook on the
left if you would like to sign it

if you have known me previously i
may have masqueraded around with
one of the following personally relatable
chars as a profile picture, peace peace.

--- buttons --- buttons --- buttons --- buttons --- buttons --- buttons ---

these people are cool, you
should check them out!